Limbaugh once told a black caller to take the bone out of her nose. This is the same guy RNC chairmen have to apologise to if they call him an entertainer. BTW making up a pretend title for a student who was respectfully just asking for insurrance to cover contraception and downplaying Rush's 3 day attack on her as just a "joke" further displays evidence of your double standard.

Romney supporter Ted Nugent said he would either be dead or in jail if Obama won another term. Before that...
On the August 24 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity aired video footage of musician and right-wing activist Ted Nugent at an August 21 concert calling Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) a "piece of shit" and referring to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) as a "worthless bitch." In the video clip, Nugent holds up what appear to be two assault rifles and says he told Obama "to suck on my machine gun" and says he told Clinton "you might want to ride one of these into the sunset." After airing the clip, Hannity referred to Nugent as a "friend and frequent guest on the program,"

Fair play!