Originally Posted By: the G-man, 03/26/12, 07:21 PM

According to the author of the [stand your ground] law at issue, it isn't even applicable in this case:
  • if you carefully read the statute, which most of the critics have not, and read the legislative analysis, there's nothing in this statute that authorizes you to pursue or confront other people. If anything, this law would have protected the victim in this case; it could have...So - and in fact, the gentleman - Mr. Zimmerman's attorney, who when he first appeared on CNN the other night, he actually said he was not going to use this statute. The governor, Jeb Bush, has said it does not apply.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man, 04/07/12, 02:14 PM

I am against the "stand your ground" law but that hardly means I'm against all self defense laws. This is just bad law and this case is probably going to be used as an example of why it's bad law as long as it's allowed to exist. Despite your claims that this law isn't in play here, it clearly is. The police said so and Zimmerman's lawyers are mounting a defense using it.

Zimmerman defense lawyers won't argue 'stand-your-ground' in Florida shooting case: The attorney for the man who shot and killed unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin said Monday he'll seek to get the case dismissed using a traditional self-defense argument and not the state's "stand your ground" statute.

Apology accepted, MEM.