vs. Tom Brevoort

vs. Scott Snyder

Remember back in the day that when an artist or writer left a book citing "creative differences" and that's all we knew or would ever know?

These days,it's all been out in the open regarding editorial moves,artist/writer changes and so forth with the occasional venture into some juicy "DC/Marvel sucks and I'm not working for them anymore!!" type verbal from one or more comic professionals. This however is of epic Oakley-esque full on meltdown by Rob Liefeld. He first tweeted how we was walking away from his gig at DC to "preserve his sanity"....well it looks like he didn't get away soon enough as the above articles show how he of little feet and giant man-boobs went the Twitter equivalent of going postal,lashing out and verbally attacking the editors and some of the people he worked with and then going off on Snyder for no real reason. I always used to view Liefeld as an enthusiastic comic guy. Sure his art wasn't great but it was dynamic and fun at times. This though is just full on nutjob and all I can do is shake my head. Maybe he didn't need the work at DC anymore,but this kind of action really burns bridges and I highly doubt he'll be getting any work at Marvel or any other major publisher. Not to mention that he'll lose a good number of fans and potential buyers of anything he might do down the road.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
