To make an Espresso Breve, pull one shot of espresso and add a small amount of heated or steamed light cream or half & half. Breve is the Italian word for “short.”


To make an Espresso Con Panna, pull either one or two shots of espresso and top it off with a dollop of whipped cream. In Italian, “Espresso Con Panna” means “Espresso with cream.” For more tips see Pulling a Perfect Espresso Shot.


To make an Espresso Doppio, pull two espresso shots (about 3 ounces total) using an espresso machine. A doppio is best served in a slightly oversized demitasse or in a Cappuccino cup. Doppio is Italian for “double.”

Also see Pulling a Perfect Espresso Shot to make sure you are using the proper espresso grind size and follow the Technical Specifications for a proper espresso. An Espresso Doppio is also called Doppio Espresso; Double Shot.