To make a traditional Espresso Granita pull two shots of espresso and add sugar to taste. Then put the beverage in the freezer, and when it is mostly frozen take it out and crush it up. The sugar will prevent the drink from freezing solid (thus the granularity).

Serve the Espresso Granita in a cup with a spoon. Optional: Top it off with whipped cream. Also see Granita Latte.


To make an Espresso Lungo pour one shot of espresso “lungo” or “long.” To do this the normal 1.5 ounces of water are dispensed through the espresso grounds using a longer (lungo) extraction time than usual, usually between 25-40 seconds as compared to the normal 18 to 22 seconds. An Espresso Lungo is also called Long Shot.


To make an Espresso Macchiato pull a single shot of espresso “macchiato” (marked with) about 1½ tablespoons (a dollop) of foam. Some people instead prefer just a dash of steamed milk or cream. An Espresso Macchiato should be served in a demitasse.