To make an Espresso Ristretto, or “Short Shot,” (ristretto means restricted), pull one shot of espresso, but only put about half as much water as usual into the espresso machine (instead of 1-1/2 ounces of water, just use 3/4-ounce).

The water should dispense through the espresso grounds in about 18-20 seconds compared to the normal 22 seconds, and the grind size used should be even finer than usual. The slower extraction can also be accomplished by pressing or tamping the coffee down with extra pressure in the portafilter.

Sweeter and more flavorful than a full shot, the Espresso Ristretto renders a thicker, stouter drink, emphasizing the intense espresso taste. The restricted extraction is meant to extract only the best qualities of the coffee and none of the bitter elements, with about the same amount of caffeine, creating a richer beverage that is more intense.


To make an Espresso Romano, pull a single shot of espresso and top it with fresh peel (twist or slice) of lemon—this is usually served on the side. Many say this espresso presentation is an Italian invention, but Italians deny it.

Some gourmet coffee aficionados say the lemon interferes with the delicate flavor balance of the Espresso—you be the judge!