Pull two shots of espresso and combine them with one ounce each of praline syrup, chocolate syrup, and caramel syrup. Fill the rest of the cup with steamed milk and a small amount of foam. Top it off with a sprinkle of grated chocolate and a dash of toffee shavings.


To make a traditional Granita Espresso, pull two shots of espresso and then add some sugar to taste. Next put the beverage in the freezer, and when it is mostly frozen take it out and crush it up. The sugar will prevent the drink from freezing solid, and the word “granita” refers to the granularity of the sugar.

Serve the Granita Espresso in a cup along with a spoon. Optional: Finally top it off with whipped cream. Also see Granita Latte.


Brewed coffee topped with whipped cream.

Also: Coffee brewed from coffee beans that were given a Viennese Roast.