It's a series that could have been told in half the issues.Mostly padded filler is what I've read. Killing off Xavier is pointless in that he hasn't been a relevant character since House of M and even less of a presence in the X-Men before that even....probably since Morrison's New X-Men run I'm thinking. It could have been a kick-ass story but they shunt the fighting off into a whole seperate series which is stupidity above reason. Here kids, here's the awesome Avengers vs. X-Men!! Oh and by the way to see the fights between your favorite characters,you gotta plunk down another $3.99 for A vs.X.

However,I will say that some of the series that are spinning out of this fiasco sound intruiging enough for me to sample most of 'em. Which is what Marvel wants anyway lol.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
