An old man made it shakily through the door to Billy Bob's Cowgirl
Ranch, outside of Reno, Nevada.
The receptionist stared at him. "You gotta be in the wrong place,"
she exclaimed. "What are you looking for?"
"Ain't this the famous Mustang? Ain't this where you allus got
forty-five girls ready 'n' able?"
The receptionist looked perplexed. "Ready for what?"
"I want a girl," the old man rasped. "I wanna get laid."
"How old are you, Pop?" she asked.
"Ninety-two," he replied.
"Ninety-two? Gramps, you've had it!"
"Oh," said the old man, a little disconcerted as his trembling
fingers reached for his wallet. "How much do I owe you?"

A streetwalker was visiting her doctor for a regular check-up.
"Any specific problems you should tell me about?" the doctor asked.
"Well, I have noticed lately that if I get even the tiniest cut,
it seems to bleed for hours," she replied. "Do you think I might
be a haemophiliac?"
"Well," the doctor answered, "haemophilia is a genetic disorder
and it is more often found in men, but it is possible for a woman
to be a haemophiliac. Tell me, how much do you lose when you have
your period?" the doctor inquired.
After calculating for a moment the hooker replied, "Oh, about
seven or eight hundred dollars, I guess."