London's Daily Telegraph:
  • Two men have been banned from an all-you-can-eat restaurant after their appetites left the manager fearing for the future of his business

    George Dalmon, a former rugby player, and his friend Andy Miles were banned from all-you-can-eat restaurant, Gobi, In Brighton, after the manager branded them "a couple of pigs," . . .

    The manager, who did not want to be named, said the two friends were eating him out of business. He said: "Basically they just come in and pig out. We have put up with them for two years but I've had enough.

    "They are in such a hurry to beat everyone to the food they spoil everything. We are supposed to be a buffet but they eat everything out of the bowls before people can get there. We just can't keep doing this."

Tis no man, tis a remorseless eatin' machine...