
Ryukyu Wood-pigeon
The Ryukyu Wood-pigeon was a subspecies of pigeon endemic to Okinawa archipelago towards the south west of the Japanese mainland. The extinction of the Ryukyu Wood-pigeon can be attributed to habitat destruction. The tropical forests which were inhabited by this bird were subjected to large-scale deforestation for agricultural and settlement purpose. The Ryukyu Wood-pigeon depleted to a great extent in the first decade of the 20th century. By 1930s, these islands were completely deforested and this deforestation marked the habitat loss which eventually led to extinction of Ryukyu Wood-pigeon by 1936.

Santo Stefano Lizard
The Santo Stefano lizard was a small lizard species native to the Santo Stefano Island in the Tyrrhenian sea, off the coast of Italy. Although this lizard species was found in abundance on this island at one point of time, it just took the introduction of some predators and an endemic to wipe off the Santo Stefano lizard population within a few years. These lizards were hunted excessively by the feral cats and various snake species which brought a drastic decline in their population. Furthermore an epidemic of an unknown pathogen which broke out in mid 20th century led to wiping out of the remaining survivors. It was last sighted in 1965, before being officially declared extinct.