Palestinian Painted Frog
The Palestinian painted frog, also known as the Israel painted frog, was a subspecies of frog endemic to the Lake Huleh marshes in Israel. Israeli drainage of the marshes was the most prominent factor, which led to the extinction of the Palestinian painted frog. The last documented recovery of this frog dates back to 1955, wherein a single specimen was found. Although it was declared extinct by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it's still regarded as one of the endangered species in Israel.

Paradise Parrot
The Paradise Parrot was a colorful medium-sized parrot native to the Queensland - New South Wales border area of northeastern Australia. Several factors contributed to the extinction of Paradise Parrot, the prominent factors being loss of habitat due to over grazing and land clearing, extensive hunting by bird collectors and predation by several cat species. By the end of 19th century, the sighting of this bird had relatively become rare, and by 1915 it had virtually become extinct. A few more sightings took place over the next decade before the Paradise Parrot finally became extinct. The last confirmed sighting took place in 1927.