According to Dan Slott,this issue of ASM was way under-oredered and is all-important to what's coming up. I avoided any spoilers so I could read the issue and see if I was like "Holy Shit!! Slott is mad crazy!!" aaaaaaand came away with "Whatever."


Doc Ock is Peter Parker/Peter Parker is(or rather "was")Doc Ock....who apparently breathes his last(again)in this issue. Looks like there was a mind-switch at some point,and Doc Ock has all the memories of Peter Parker as well as control of his body. It seems that when "Superior Spider-Man" comes out and they teased that it isn't Peter Parker,this is what they meant. With this "reveal" I gotta say....."Meh". The only question I have,is "When did it happen?" Other than that,I wasn't overly impressed.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
