So now that most of the Marvel Now books have a few issues(or more depending on the title)in,I thought I'd share some thoughts...also it's a good time killer while I'm at the shop and there's Friday Night Magic gaming going on.So far I've read just about every title that Marvel has put out with this and for the most part,I like the direction of the line.I won't bore anyone with title by title reviews so I'll comment mostly on title groups with the occasional title mention

First up,the Avengers line.I find that the top franchise seller for Marvel at the moment is good but not great.Uncanny Avengers which was supposed to be "THE" Avengers book to read has suffered due to it's lateness.With Oliver Copiel taking over art chores,hopefully that'll change.The main title,I haven't warmed up to yet.It's not bad but Hickman is a slow build-up writer so it feels kind of drug out. All the other "Avengery" books are average reads.Not bad but not great.
The solo books like Cap,Iron Man and Thor have been decent with nothing stinky that stands out unless you're not a fan of Greg Land.The one stand out book for me has been "Hawkeye" and if you don't read it,I recommend that you do.

X-men line:With Bendis the writer of the two main books(All-New and Uncanny X-Men)I didn't know what to expect,but they're actually pretty good.The off-shoot titles are hit or miss but I can tell,the line will suffer with so many X-related stuff(12 titles counting solo books like Savage Wolverine,Wolverine and Gambit)out there. Way too many to choose from with mostly $3.99 price tags. I expect some thinning down the road.

Spider-Man: Not horrible really. I would actually enjoy Superior Spider-Man more without the ghost of Peter Parker in every issue. Avenging Spider-Man actually makes for a more entertaining read. I can tell Slott is having more fun writing Spider-Ock than he was Peter Parker the past couple years(much like Geoff Johns' writing of Sinestro was more interesting than Hal Jordan in Green Lantern).Scarlet Spider and Venom are books I read off the shelf so just "meh" for those.

Fantastic Four and FF-Both written by Fraction,but FF the more enjoyable read for me.....probably due to the fun Allred art. The main book is ok and building to whatever Fraction has planned,but again slow burn storytelling.Bagley art is solid and fits well with the FF.

Hulk related-Indestructible Hulk is awesome. Waid is telling a good story that gets better each issue.Totally digging this. Red She-Hulk...solid but nothing spectacular. Thunderbolts with Red Hulk just ok.

Random titles: Fearless Defenders,Deadpool and Morbius...pretty meh stuff unless you're a fan of these characters.

New stuff:Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova...too soon to tell,but Guardians I like and Nova has Loeb-stink but McGuiness art so that title's a wash.

That's all for now.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
