I've noticed consistently, M E M, that your tactic is to attack the reputation and character of opinions you don't like, rather than address the actual issue.
As is the deceitful tendency of the Left.

There was nothing in that video or the article I linked that Groseclose didn't back up with facts.

He cited facts and quoted statements by Van Jones of his unapologetic communism, that the media selectively ignored. When Glenn Beck and the conservative media circumnavigated the mainstream press and exposed it, Van Jones was fired (but still works in unison externally for the Obama White House).

Groseclose pointed out the facts of the Bush tax cuts (incomes less than 30,000 got a 17.3% cut; incomes 30,000 to 100,000 got a 13% cut, and incomes greater than 100,000 got an 11.7% cut) proving that "the rich" DIDN'T get the greatest tax cut, as was widely reported (propagandized) by the liberal mainstream media.

You consistently counter-attack rather than answer for the blatant holes in your own propaganda.