I've seen quite a bit of back-and-forth on facebook over the ongoing SCOTUS proceedings regarding DOMA and gay marriage. most of you know where I stand on the issue, but I kind of went out on a limb posting my own opinion and am mildly concerned I'll catch it from both sides now. I don't really care all that much what people think, but I don't want to hurt my career prospects in either academia or within the church's sphere of influence. I know there's already a big gay shitstorm thread on here, but it's full of shit left behind from people who don't even post anymore, so I'll take the opportunity to fire this one up instead. tell me if this is unreasonable in some way. it's not like I have to twist anyone's arm to solicit an opinion on here...

I notice a lot of people have brought up the point that this nation was founded mainly by Christians, and much of our law is rooted in Judeo-Christian precepts (for the record I agree). However a lot of people seem to be missing the point that one of the main reasons the Founding Fathers risked brutal executions as traitors to the Crown was their fervent belief that no one strain of Christianity (or any belief system, but there were fewer options at the time) should have the power to lend force of law to its theological points of contention. It seems a bit hypocritical, therefore, to give lip service to our respect for the FFs and the Constitution and yet deny certain legal privileges to fellow Americans because of our personal beliefs.
For what it's worth, I'm still not completely sure how I feel the Bible addresses this issue... but I have a pretty good idea how the Constitution does. Yeah, I'm conflicted sometimes when it comes to what I believe about the lifestyle itself (which, I'm relieved to say, doesn't affect my acceptance of the people who live it or my friendship with some wonderful people who identify with it), but I don't think it's morally right to deny taxation and death benefits (feel free to show me a Bible verse that addresses those) to a union of two consenting, responsible adults under the law... whatever you want to call such a union. I realize taking a middle-ground stance like that will probably just anger people on both sides, but as an evangelical libertarian (I know, right?) I'm used to that anyway. Okay, can we PLEASE get back to the economy now???


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