Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: WB
Over the last year, with the Zimmerman case, and with the push for Amnesty for illegals, these are the first two examples in my lifetime where the government has been intimidated into corrupting the law to appease a mass of angry people.

Apparently you are either younger than you claim or you've forgotten about the Rodney King trials.

Well, I partly see your point, but not completely.

There were riots and intimidation in 1991, but they were not successful in bending the law.

The four cops who beat up Rodney King were exonerated by a jury. There were riots and pressure, but at that point it did not work. (Unlike the George Zimmerman arrest when there clearly was not evidence to convict, or even to arrest. It was a show-arrest, to appease blacks threatening to riot.
And likewise, the amnesty for illegals, where political pressure on Republicans that they will lose all future elections, if they don't cave in and endorse amnesty.)

Rodney King won a 7-figure settlement from the city for his beating, because the police exceeded their authority in beating King.

And the "L.A. Four" who almost killed Reginald Denny were also not given a free pass for almost killing Denny.

So while there was intimidation by blacks to urge bypassing the law, I don't see where that attempted corruption was successful in any of the Rodney King-related events.
Is there some detail I didn't mention?