Originally Posted By: Pro

JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.

Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness.

People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

...Ah, the Republican apologists. Stretching to find any way possible to make this "Obama's Fault". Just another group of History's Fools. Don't worry, guys. About a hundred years from now people will probably be laughing while reading about the Republican Extremists. Kind of how we laugh at our ancestors that believed in magic or mythological deities. Laughing at how they herded the ignorant flock of hate-mongering zealots like children hungry for blood and desperate for relevance. They'll pause their laughter, though, I'm sure once they get the chapter where the second American Civil War simply executed all the nutbags who refuse to evolve into the 21st century. That means you guys. Good luck. Meanwhile, I'll be one of those laughing at you... \:lol\: \:lol\:


Wishing all Republicans to die or be executed. Come a bit unraveled at the seems, have we?

This is beyond-the-pale angry Pro, lashing out in unbridled hatred.

But I'm sure you'll come back later and try to say you were "just kidding" and "yanking your chains" when you try to backpedal after the fact.
Oh yeah. I always joke about killing thousands of people when I'm "just kidding."

You embarass yourself. Again.

The hilarity is how he truly thinks he "wins" when he posts crazy shit like this.