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Undoubtedly, part of the appeal of the case is that Hunt is a petite attractive green-eyed blonde. One critic wondered on Twitter how long activists have “been waiting for a properly photogenic poster child of the correct gender to come along?”

Portraying Hunt as the victim of prejudice, her supporters claim she was only prosecuted because she is homosexual and because the parents of the unnamed 14-year-old are “bigoted religious zealots,” as Hunt’s mother said in a poorly written Facebook post. The apparent public-relations strategy was described by Matthew Philbin of Newsbusters: “If you can play the gay card, you immediately trigger knee-jerk support from the liberal media and homosexual activists anxious to topple any and all rules regarding sex.”

None of Hunt’s supporters seem to care about the possible consequences of issuing what Philbin calls a “Get Out of Jail Free” card to their teenage lesbian hero-victim.

Perpetual victimhood. The centerpiece of every liberal wedge issue. Everyone is a minority victim, no one is accountable.

It reminds me of a black friend I had (Eric), who had been fired as a teacher. I kept inviting him out to do stuff after work, and he kept declining. A mutual friend told me that he had been fired for having sex with a female student, and was on house arrest with a monitoring bracelet. And that he bemoaned he was only fired and prosecuted because he was black.
Even if the student were over 18, it's still an unprofessional abuse of his trusted role as a teacher. The same would be true of a college professor having sex with adult students, or a doctor or psychiatric professional sexually involved with patients, or even a supervisor over subordinate employees.

But why take personal responsibility when you can feign outrage, and flash the race-card or the gay-card?