Wondy, nothing you say now can take back the fact that you previously said a theory about how blacks are inferior should be taken seriously. Nothing. I appreciate that, in a roundabout way, you're trying to apologize for the offensive bullshit you've spouted in the past by pretending you never meant it that way, but that doesn't change the fact that you have been proven to be a racist. Everyone in this board can see it. Everyone. Even G-man and Pariah were struggling to put your transparently racist quotes under a context where they wouldn't be so offensive, a few pages back.

Everyone knows you're racist. Everyone knows you're a shithead. Everyone knows you're a creepy pervert too. I'm not telling you to go away from this board or change your opinions (I know you're too old and too mentally challenged for that), I just want this thread to serve as a record I can link to in the future to prove that there's hard evidence behind every single one of the insults I've called you. Except gorilla fucker. I think I called you gorilla fucker for a while, I have no evidence of that.