A sad day for America...

Including Republicans who delusionally put perceived appeal to hispanic voters (and fear of being labelled racist) above border security and the best interest of the nation.

I saw hispanic Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) last night say that, contrary to the official line, many hispanics in Texas and elsewhere support border security over amnesty too.
Because they know the illegals, if given a pass, will lower wages and take the jobs of hispanics and other minorities. This law does not benefit hispanics, only illegals. And the Democrat party.
And that last point is exactly what this amnesty push is all about.

Herman Cain in a 2011 debate was asked if he supported "comprehensive immigration reform". He said we don't need it, we already have a comprehensive immigration policy. It's called LEGAL IMMIGRATION!

I couldn't agree more.

This is a scam and a hustle, and it's following the exact same path as when Obamacare was rammed through.