Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I don't think Zimmerman was completely in the right, but I don't think it's murder.

I'd agree that Zimmerman did act with some belligerence that arguably contributed to the situation. But ultimately, all evidence is that he was following at a distance, and all Trayvon Martin had to do was keep his distance until the police arrived.

It was Trayvon Martin who by the physical evidence initiated the attack and unrelentingly rained blows on Zimmerman. As I've said repeatedly, there were no bruises on Trayvon Martin except on his knuckes, indicating that Martin did all the hitting, and Zimmerman was completely on the receiving end, with a documented and photographed broken nose, two documented and photographed black eyes, and documented and photographed lacerations to the head.

And verified by the closest witness, Martin was identified as the one on top raining blows. Until the fatal shot was fired, it was completely a one-sided fight.