I forgot "Clintonian". The sex scandal is obviously a lasting impression. But, as a non-Amercian not exposed to the domestic economic buoyancy of the day, for me the lasting impression is the efforts at Middle Eastern diplomacy. "Clintonian" doesn't mean "legalistic hair-splitting to cover one's arse" to me. It means something a little idealistic and charismatic, yet flawed. Clnton is such a complicated character. I saw "The Comeback Kid" documentary on a plane recently. It was hardly sympathetic (I hadn't known the etymology of "Slick Willy") - it was a balanced look at the man's political instincts. Clinton strikes me as outward-looking, centrist and inclusive in a way that the equally charismatic Obama is not. Obama appeals to dangerous protectionist instincts and is pro-union in a way Clinton did and was not.

So, while a precise definition of "Clintonian" is hard, I do understand what it means.

Pimping my site, again.
