Originally Posted By: the G-man
Zimmerman's lawyers going after NBC news ASAP: now that the trial is over Zimmerman is renewing his lawsuit against the network for deceptively editing audio to make him sound racist

Good. Those lying fuckers helped put Zimmerman through hell and, more importantly, endangered countless people by enflaming racial tensions. Along with Obama, any riots are squarely on their heads.

I loved that line from one of Zimmerman's lawyers, blasting the media for warping public perception of Zimmerman and convicting him pre-emptively in the court of public opinion.
He said that Zimmerman's situation was comparable to being on the table of Dr. Frankenstein, and Zimmerman looked on with horror at what the media had transformed him into.

I naively believed that with the verdict --either way-- that with the exception of a few scattered riots and protests, this would be the end of it.

But on the Trayvon Martin family-side, it appears they plan to go on for a civil suit against Zimmerman for wrongful death or some other trumped up charges.

And on the George Zimmerman side, his attorneys are suing NBC and possibly other networks for editing the 911 call to make Zimmerman appear to be calling 911 because Trayvon Martin was black, and not for the actual non-racial reasons he clearly stated. Which arguably ratcheted up the racial division nationwide, and possibly stoked black violence toward whites nationwide, and invoked threats and violence toward the Zimmerman family in particular. Most pointedly, when Spike Lee posted what he believed was the address of Zimmerman's parents, an elderly couple who turned out to be completely unrelated to the Zimmermans, but were so endangered they had to leave their home and move to an undisclosed location. I still can't believe Spike Lee has not paid a legal price for this endangerment.

Zimmerman's legal team also has plans to sue the legal prosecutor for malicious prosecution, where the legal evidence never warranted arrest and trial of Zimmerman. And was a politically motivated public spectacle.

And also the Zimmerman team is pursuing charges against the state prosecution team for witholding vital evidence, that took them 6 months to pry from the prosecution so they could fully defend their client (Zimmerman). And that they said "needlessly cost hundreds of wasted hours" of their time, and "delayed the trial by six months".

What's really scary on this last point is this is probably not the first time the prosecution has witheld evidence, and likely only eventually got the evidence they were legally entitled to because of the national visibility of the case. How many others are in jail for a similar denial of rights to evidence for their defense?