Judge Won't Allow Trayvon Martin's Cel-Phone Texts Admitted In Trial

SANFORD, Fla. – Judge Debra Nelson ruled Wednesday against two key pieces of evidence sought by George Zimmerman’s defense team.

Nelson said that text messages from Trayvon Martin’s phone which allegedly showed the slain teen to have a burgeoning penchant for violence will not be allowed into evidence.

Richard Conner, a computer forensics expert hired by the defense, was able to unlock “secret” text messages from the phone number used by Martin.

In those text messages sent from Martin’s phone — which analysts for the state were not able to obtain — Martin was said to have had conversations with friends about getting into fights. Martin’s half-brother allegedly asked Martin, “when you gonna teach me how to fight?”

Martin also sent text messages showing he was looking to obtain a handgun, he said. Those texts were sent in the week before Martin’s February 2012 visit to Sanford.

Nelson had put a decision on Martin’s text messages on hold prior to the trial. Both sides argued late into Tuesday evening over the relevance of the texts. State attorney John Guy argued “we don’t know who typed these messages, we don’t know if they’re connected.”

Nelson agreed, citing the “authenticity issue”.

Nelson also blocked animation created by Daniel Schumaker. The animation relied on witness testimony and statements to re-create the defense’s theory about the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin leading up to Martin’s death.

Schumaker relied on analysis provided by Vincent di Maio, the renowned gunshot expert who testified Tuesday the Zimmerman’s story — that Martin was on top of Zimmerman when he was shot — is consistent with the available evidence.

Amazing that the judge wouldn't admit texts where Trayvon recommended the very same face-pounding he gave Zimmerman as the way to beat someone in a fight. It's Trayvon Martin's cel phone, so who else would have sent the messages? The identity of who sent them could be verified with deposition of the person they were sent to.

And the texts messages also have Trayvon talking about buying a gun.

And afterthis was excluded, the Prosecution fired the IT-person who revealed these texts existed to the Defense. Which the Prosecution is obligated to provide to the Defense, but didn't.

And despite these corruptions and witholding of evidence, the jury found Zimmerman not guilty anyway.