Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yep, it's the prosecutors job to convince a jury that they can render a not guilty verdict but they are the ones deciding if it's beyond a reasonable doubt or not.

No. It's the prosecution's job to convince the jury to render a guilty verdict. In order to do that the jury has to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime as the prosecution stated, an instruction that all juries in a capital criminal case are given the this country. My comment was that the prosecution didn't do a good job considering the not guilty verdict that the jury reached. Jurors don't have to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is innocent.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."