Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 4-2-2012
One picture in error, MEM.


The others presented are the real Trayvon Martin, and not another guy on Facebook with the same name. The one mistaken photo --quickly corrected-- does not erase all the others that have been posted accurately from the real Trayvon's facebook page.

Here is another photo in virtually the identical pose that is the real Trayvon Martin:

But again, the question is not whether Martin was a thug, but whether he attacked Zimmerman and caused Zimmerman to shoot him in self defense.

And again: the liberal media didn't even report that Trayvon Martin was in Sanford, FL because he was on a 10-day suspension for marijuana possession, or that he had been suspended twice prior in less than a year for spraying graffitti on a locker, and for skipping school, or had assaulted someone as well.

A kid can only be so innocent and well behaved with a user-name like "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA"

or sending tweet messages like this:

Call me strange, but that at least begins to make me think innocent little Trayvon Martin just might be capable of going all-out ghetto gangster and jumping on Zimmerman's face.

But I'll settle for whatever the Florida Justice Department's independent investigation reveals, and not jump to any conclusions on the limited facts and speculation currently released.