Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
And regarding the height-difference, even assuming Trayvon was only 5' 11", he still was 2 inches taller, more muscular --a football player-- and far more skilled at fighting, according to Zimmerman's own personal trainer, who said despite much training, Zimmerman's skill on a scale from 1 to 10, still remained an inept "1".

As I posted earlier, I've seen plenty of mainstream/liberal sources report Trayvon Martin's height as 6' 3"...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 3-27-2012
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wouldn't the big guy who followed the smaller kid around with the gun be the one who started the fight?



Trayvon Martin: 6 foot 3
George Zimmerman: 5 foot 9

Which would you more wisely describe as the "big guy" and the "smaller kid"?

According to both Zimmerman and 911-phone-in police caller "John" [Goode], Martin initiated the attack, and the bloody nose, head-lacerations and grass stains on Zimmerman's clothes and face back that up.

... and he certainly looks about that in his "last photo with family".
I've seen it stated elsewhere that Martin was not measured accurately at the time of his autopsy, and that he actually is 6' 3". Snopes dodges all these issues.

You'll note your article uses the word "described" when discussing weight and height. The autopsy probably was more accurate than the earlier descriptions (guesses). You also misstate that an eyewitness (John) saw who innitiated the attack. That isn't true he saw part of the fight but not how it started or how it ended. I could go on but you get the idea.

Fair play!