Originally Posted By: M E M
You'll note your article uses the word "described" when discussing weight and height. The autopsy probably was more accurate than the earlier descriptions (guesses). You also misstate that an eyewitness (John) saw who innitiated the attack. That isn't true he saw part of the fight but not how it started or how it ended. I could go on but you get the idea.

Geez, M E M.

I posted that in a VERY long post, where I tried to give a comprehensive overview of all the red flags in Trayvon Martin's personal history, red flags that are collectively consistent with Zimmerman's account, and backed by witnesses and forensics. Excuse me if I left one tiny ambiguity that Goode didn't confirm, that is still corroborated by Zimmerman's account and forensic evidence.

(1)the witness (John Goode) observed Trayvon Martin on top pounding away on Zimmerman unrelentingly.
(2) the autopsy revealed no bruises on Trayvon Martin, so Zimmerman clearly didn't throw the first punch, or ANY punches.
(3) the only bruising was on Trayvon Martin's knuckles and nowhere else on his body, showing that he was punching Zimmerman.
(4) Trayvon Martin's text messages that detail his fighting ability and personal choice of face-bashing technique, that perfectly matches the technique he used on Zimmerman.