Sorry for just doing the end of your long comprehensive post WB. I still think Zimmerman was the one with an actual history of violence when you compare the two. Assaulting an officer with violence and domestic abuse allegations of slapping his exfiance around. We discussed it and it gets down to you only wanting to use Martin's history. It's incriminating to you that Martin wanted to buy a gun but not so for Zimmerman having one as he followed Martin. It's incriminating for Martin to ask a brother to show him how to fight but it doesn't mean anything to you that Zimmerman was spending a couple of hours a day several days a week at a mixed martial arts gymn. In any case the judge kept out both histories for the most part. Probably a bigger benefit to Zimmerman IMHO. I think there's a good chance that there will be a civil suit if it's allowed and we'll see all this included in a civil trial btw.

As for Zimmerman's injuries, they were minor and even right after killing Martin he didn't think they were bad enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. Now if you look at his description of the fight it doesn't add up that he wouldn't have gone to the hospital. Also consider that he didn't even attempt to block any of those blows. Instead he somehow was able to get his gun out and shoot Martin. An incredible feat if you look over what he said Martin was doing to him and the positions of their bodies.

Fair play!