Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I heard her testimony so don't bother trying to lawyer your way with turning what she said into something else. If a woman worries about a guy raping her that doesn't mean defending her being worried is somehow hating hetrosexuals. You present flawed logic just to attempt a little dig at me. It always fails and just diminishes yourself.

In any other circumstances,if a man attacked someone simply because he thought that person was gay and was going to rape him (based on nothing more thn Being followed), you would think the attacker (in this case, Martin) was a homophobe and gay basher.

Martins friend, whom you otherwise believe to be credible, has made that allegation.
One would think, therefore, you would be less sympathetic to Martin given your typical positions, generally informed by your status as a gay man.

However, you're so caught up in your need to demonize Zimmerman that you're acting/speaking inconsistent with your usual positions.