I've heard previously that Hillary is a lesbian.
But I hadn't heard till now that her dykery included our girl Huma.

I used to work with an orthopedic surgeon who started his career in the airforce, and he told me that he knew a Marine who went on to be assigned to Air Force One in the Clinton years, who had said with certainty that Hillary is a lesbian.

The muslim sleeper agent rumor would seem to contradict the lesbian girl-toy scenario. But there are plenty of other muslim radicals appointed in the Obama administration, eager to sell out America and put their balls in a blender for Allah.

Regarding Huma standing by her man The Weiner, I agree that she would follow Hillary's lead in that strategy, SO LONG AS WEINER HAS POLITICAL CAPITAL, as William Jefferson What's-his-name did.
But I suspect Weiner has blown it for the last time, and has outlived his usefulness.
In any case Weiner deserves the very worst, whatever happens. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Huma cuts him loose, after a discreet interval of time.