A 78-year-old Methodist preacher from Volusia County, Fla., named George Zimmermann, was forced to call the police on Saturday when one of several harassing calls he's been getting, since the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's killer, threatened to send him to "a 6 feet hole."

"Hey (expletive) you're the one who killed Trayvon Martin, when your (expletive) get out, you're dead. Wherever you go, you're dead. Wherever you're trying to hide, you're dead," said the anonymous caller in the vitriolic rant noted in a WFTV 9 report.

"Watch your (expletive) move. You think you're free. You're not. You better get ready to dig a 6 feet hole. Cause you know you're fixing to go," the caller added.

Zimmermann, whose surname has two N's, unlike George Zimmerman's one, said his usually quiet life became a nightmare the night the 29-year-old neighborhood watch captain was acquitted of Trayvon Martin's murder.

"The night of the verdict, I had one at 1 in the morning, which woke me up; was pretty nasty. Another at 3 in the morning," said the Methodist preacher.

When asked how he has been treating the harassing calls, Zimmerman said: "I don't say anything to them except, 'Hey, you've got the wrong guy. The name's spelled differently.'"

What's worse, however, is that even when the preacher has clarified the mix-up, no one has ever apologized to the man of God, and he has handled it with grace.

"I guess if it made them feel better to vent, that's fine. I can live with it," said Zimmermann, who is hoping that the calls will end soon.