Weiner’s sext partner says wife Huma Abedin is in it for power and fame: Anthony Weiner’s cyber mistress says he fakes it — with his wife. “It almost feels to me like it’s more of an arrangement, or a business relationship, than a marriage,” Sydney Leathers said of the perv pol and his humiliated spouse, Huma Abedin.

As we've discussed above, that all may be true.

That being said, how is a girl who is trying to make a name for herself as a politician's "other woman" any different?

In addition, I don't see why Leather's view of the matter carries any weight. She's hardly the first woman in history to have a married man tell her "my wife doesn't understand me" or "we're in a loveless marriage" in order to get some extracurricular nookie.

This article seems an indictment of her and Weiner more than Abedin.