Zimmerman’s brother warns: Civil suit ‘might not be very flattering’ for Trayvon Martin’s family
By Arturo Garcia
Friday, July 26, 2013 20:46 EDTTopics: Robert Zimmerman

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Robert Zimmerman, whose younger brother George was acquitted for his role in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, told The Huffington Post on Friday that a civil suit might lead to unpleasant facts coming to light about the Florida teenager’s family.

“A myriad of things that were off-limits in a criminal trial would come into play in a civil case,” Robert Zimmerman said in an email to the Post. “Specifically, things that might not be very flattering to Trayvon or his family.”



That of course goes both ways. Besides Zimmerman's assaulting a cop with violence and domestic abuse allegations there was also a cousin that alleged he was molesting her.

Fair play!