I'm suprised you didn't jump on this one, M E M:

Steve Bracknell, Lake Mary Police Chief, Walks Back George Zimmerman Comments

Lake Mary, Fla., police chief Steve Bracknell has distanced himself from comments he made in a response to an email from a town resident who was upset that George Zimmerman has not been charged with any crimes following an altercation Monday with his estranged wife and her father.

In a Sept. 10 response to Lake Mary resident Santiago Rodriguez's strongly-worded emails, which called Zimmerman "a ticking time bomb... [and] a Sandy Hook [or] Aurora waiting to happen," Bracknell initially replied "I agree." On Thursday, WTSP reported that the chief walked back his comments about Zimmerman.

"Chief Bracknell distanced himself saying he was 'referring to the fact that [Zimmerman] seems to be involved in incidents' involving firearms," the station reported.

Requests for comment from the chief by The Huffington Post were not immediately returned.

In a 911 call placed Monday, Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, can be heard telling the operator that her estranged husband smashed an iPad and punched her father in the nose.

Neither Shellie Zimmerman nor her father have pressed charges over the incident.

"Florida law does not permit us to make an arrest [if no charges are brought]," Bracknell wrote. "No victim, no crime."

The chief was credited previously with calling Zimmerman a "ticking bomb" that would inevitably explode. But as is made clear in the displayed exchange of e-mails, he was ambiguously responding to someone else who made the remark. Before the chief further walked it back.

I hope Zimmerman gets counseling. It can be argued he had problems before all this went down, and certainly he needs guidance with all he's been through since the shooting.