Thanks to a new book by an award winning gay journalist we now know that much of this narrative turns out to be false, little more than gay hagiography.

As gay journalist Aaron Hicklin, writing in The Advocate asks, “How do people sold on one version of history react to being told that the facts are slippery --- that thinking of Shepard’s murder as a hate crime does not mean it was a hate crime? And how does it color our understanding of such a crime if the perpetrator and victim not only knew each other but also had sex together, bought drugs from one another, and partied together?”

This startling revelation comes in The Book of Matt to be published next week by investigative journalist Stephen Jiminez, who over the course of years interviewed over 100 people including Shepard’s friends, friends of the killers, and the killers themselves.

In other words, the Political Correctness propaganda narrative of "homophobia" is infinitely more important to the gay community than the truth.

It's a bit confusing, that hopefully the book can fully explain. Apparently the 2 guys who murdered Shepard were enlisted to kill him by Shepard's lover and fellow drug dealer/user. And the two prosecuted killers had an ongoing connection to Shepard and his gay lover, because they supplied the two with drugs.

Amazing that the gay community scorns a story from the Advocate, a publication among the most ardent defenders of the gay community. If THEY are abandoning the Shepard narrative, it must stink to high heaven.