Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Tempers run high on both sides in these political discussions. And I've also defended you when I felt the comments were too abusive or unfair. (As you have for me, and I appreciate that, despite our political disagreements.)

I said the wife-beating thing (which clearly you're not beating your wife, gay or otehrwise) just to make the point how easy it is for you to say something about Zimmerman that is demonstrably not true, and for one post-title, turned the tables back on you.
There's plenty you can accuse Zimmerman of in the way of poor judgement on a number of occasions. And that his attitude partly led to the escalation between him and Trayvon Martin the night of the shooting.
But you
(1) make a lot of mean assumptions about Zimmerman beyond the known facts
(2) fail to acknowledge any of the known facts about Trayvon Martin's contribution to his own death, in his criminal behavior, school suspensions, martial arts fighting, and texted preference for the kind of face-beating he gave Zimmerman, his bag of stolen jewelry from a burglary, and posturing gang demeanor and belligerence in his online Facebook and Twitter posts.

As I've said repeatedly, I think both these guys were at fault, and got into a pissing contest that neither of them would back down from, that escalated to the shooting of Trayvon. Both were partly at fault.
And I think up to 5 years in jail for manslaughter, or at least some lesser jailtime would have been appropriate, for Zimmerman's shared part in the mutual escalation.

But because Zimmerman was turned into a nationally televised political football and the trumped-up poster-boy for "white hispanic" racism toward blacks, and the nationwide media-push to lynch Zimmerman no matter what the evidence, there was no way he was going to spend less than 35 years to life in prison. And that just isn't proportionate to what occurred. And not fair in light the fact there is a good case that it was in self-defense.

Bottom line regarding Shellie Zimmerman's allegations:
She already admitted the part about him threatening her with a gun was a lie. So likely the rest is a lie or at least vast exaggeration as well. This is just the latest example of trying to convict Zimmerman against the evidence without a trial.

From what I've read she thought he had a gun. The girl George was with also said he did have guns in the vehicle and that was where he was at when Shellie called the cops. There is also video showing what looks like Zimmerman dismantling the ipad. His story of his father in law also reminded me of his story of how he was allegedly attacked by Martin. That was also the day his wife moved out.

I thought your post title was actually funny btw. It's a message board on the internet so I don't get to worked up about much aimed at me personally. Hope you don't either.

Fair play!