Good God:

 Originally Posted By: NY Post article

While Clinton-backers push her toward a 2016 presidential run, Hillary says she’s enjoying her version of kicking back, and running the Clinton family’s foundation with Bill and Chelsea.

“We get to be at home together a lot more now than we used to in the last few years,” Clinton told New York’s Joe Hagan, in her first extensive interview since leaving the State Department post. “We have a great time; we laugh at our dogs; we watch stupid movies; we take long walks; we go for a swim. You know, just ordinary, everyday pleasures.”

“It feels great,” she said, “because I have been on this high wire for twenty years, and I was really yearning to just have more control over my time and my life, spend a lot of that time with my family and my friends, do things that I find relaxing and enjoyable, and return to the work that I had done for most of my life.”

Does anyone really buy this?
The fact that the article opens with Hillary insisting that Huma dump Carlos Danger or leave the island makes clear that she plans a presidential bid.

She's just trying to stay below radar as long as possible, because the longer she waits to announce her 2016 run, the longer she is safe from political attacks that can bring down her candidacy.