There's a lot of artists who are influenced by Kirby, particularly from this early/mid 1970's period: Keith Giffen, George Perez,
Jose Ladronn, Herb Trimpe, early Barry Smith, etc.

I respect that he's not for everyone. But he certainly is a prolific talent, who has influenced generations of artists after him, and
arguably is the single defining artist who created the parameters of what comics are, particularly Marvel comics, long after his passing.

But I'm more concerned with his New Gods work in particular. I like the archetypal, almost Biblical clash between good and evil, the
clear dichotomy between heroic nobility and cunning pervasive evil. It's both Biblical and Orwellian!

And that's why I ask what version of the characters others here like. Because I realize that while you might NOT like the concepts
as explored by Kirby himself, you might like them more as expanded by other hands.

Like I said, a favorite of mine is the "Darkness Saga" by Levitz/Giffen, that was released fairly recently in hardcover. It's
original in its own right, but also is consistent with Kirby's version.
More so than even Kirby's own efforts to conclde the series, in NEW GODS 6 (1985) and HUNGER DOGS.