Not really. 1910 is, obviously, pre-WW1 and barely qualifies as a superhero comic, other than that Raffles wears a mask.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
The problem with that was that DC had already decided to integrate Cap Into mainstream post crisis continuity. They also planned on rebooting him in the present day. They couldn't really have Capt. Marvel Junior and Mary Marvel in the 40s before Capt. Marvel himself ever existed

No it wouldn't have worked dividing them up time period wise but I wished they had left them in the 40's together. With Superman around, Captain Marvel will always be sidelined. If they had left him and the gang in the 40's maybe they could have kept some of the elements that worked originally. Moot point now anyways since even the JSA is all rebooted these days. I haven't kept up with the changes but I suppose there were now no superheroes during DC's golden age?

I actually don't know. I'd be floored if they changed that.

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