Rawstory... need I say more?

I'll grant that the behind-the-scenes of Zimmerman's relationships with girlfriend Samantha Schiebe and wife Shelley Zimmerman is interesting, and her observations of Zimmerman's depression.
There's no explanation of why his acquittal would make him MORE depressed. Just wild speculation that he got off on the publicity. Oh yeah, relentless death threats against him and his family, and the threat of spending decades of his life in prison, he must have been thrilled before the acqittal.

There seem to be quite a few lurid embellishments:

Scheibe said their relationship was volatile, and her mother told WKMG that Zimmerman sent a still image from a sexually explicit video of himself and Scheibe to Scheibe’s daughter.

“He’s now threatened her in writing and even sent a portion of the video to her baby girl,” Mason told WKMG in a text message.

Neither the contents of the image and the girl’s age could be confirmed, but it’s illegal under Florida law to transmit sexually explicit material to minors.

Oh come on!
He sent a pornographic message to Scheibe AND her daughter, and Schiebe didn't keep it as evidence? And it can't be retrieved by police later?
Total B.S.

She and her mother said Zimmerman sank into a deep depression when the media frenzy died down and doctors prescribed medication, which they said he did not take regularly.

Zimmerman spent days in bed, Scheibe said, and she believes he tried to take an overdose of sleeping pills and stuck a gun into his own mouth when he awoke, although she said she talked him out of shooting himself.

Scheibe said Zimmerman threatened to take his own life on multiple occasions, and she said the threats tended to come when his name fell out of the headlines.

Again, this strains credibility. No police or Emergency Medical/hospital involvement in any of these alleged incidents?
Gee, it's almost as if they, y'know, didn't happen!