Just watched Time of the Doctor. I don't know why there's a lot of people complaining about it. It's a nice story. And it managed to tie up all the loose ends from Moffat's run (even Trenzalore) and give the doctor's story a new lease on life. Smith's old-man make up could have been better, but it gets the job done.

It has Christmas-y parts and sad parts all over, and one part got me thinking, is Tasha Lem River Song? The bit about fighting the psychopath made me wonder.

It's also nice to see Amy Pond again, even as an illusion (although that part made Clara irrelevant for the scene. It's kind of dick move on the doctor's part to opine for his old companion when the new one is standing right there.)

I'm liking Capaldi so far, based on that small scene he's had. And I'm hoping that him being old would at least prevent future romance angles with companions. The part about his kidney has a little bit of Tennant in it.