Originally Posted By: the G-man
The normalization of pedophilia by the left continues.

The Guardian suggests that pedophilia may just be another “sexual orientation,” and points to some academics who say that sex with adults doesn’t hurt children.

Italy's Highest Court Overturns Pedophile's Conviction Because 11-Year-Old Was 'In Love': Pietro Lamberti, a social services worker in Catanzaro in southern Italy, was convicted in February 2011 and sentenced to five years in prison for sexual acts with a minor.

So far, the normalization of pedophilia is largely confined to the Eurotrash nations. However, when you consider how many jurists, especially [though not exclusively] on the left, advocate that our courts adopt foreign precedents, coupled with the likelihood that pedophila (like homosexuality) has a genetic component, it's difficult to see how this won't be coming to the U.S. sooner than later.