...so I'm working on a podcast series with some guys from work. we shoot the shit about nerd culture over wings and beers. that's pretty much the format. anyway, we are compiling an episode with a twofold topic. everyone's commented at length about how nobody expected star wars to amount to anything, but there are quite a few examples of films, video games, tv shows, music, and whatever else where serendipitous circumstances (good casting, perfect timing vis a vis culture at the time, etc.) turned something that should have been average at best into a staggering success. on the other hand, there have been quite a few films/games/whatever that seemed to have everything going for them, but either a change of directors or unanticipated political changes or some other combination of circumstances just doomed them to utter failure - or worse, forgettable mediocrity. kind of like how last action hero really wanted to be a witty, well-written send-up but nobody in the revolving door of creators could figure out just how straight to play it, so it ended up almost killing 90s action movies. can you think of any examples of either and maybe explain what you think went right/wrong? any contributions will be appreciated, and any I actually use will definitely be credited. thanks.


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