Regardless, you obviously know what it says: that for all the bemoaning of racism toward blacks, it is ironically the highest percentage --across all racial groups listed-- who see blacks as the most prejudiced toward other groups.
Including black opinion of blacks.

It has to do with black history month, because black America is deeply ingrained in a sense of historic and ongoing victimhood. I frankly feel "black history month" is an excuse for the Left to annually stoke black America into hatred of white America, or even just plain hating America. It is the Leftist narrative that America is an unfair place that tries to explain why black America is eternally at the bottom, while blacks who immigrate here from other countries pursue education and career at a higher ratio and move up in society.
Unfortunately, their children become African American, and become indoctrinated in the culture that rifts black Americans from the rest of the country.

My point is that they are arguably disadvantaged by their own mindset and prejudices, that THEY rift THEMSELVES to a large degree from the rest of America. As a result of liberal indoctrination in a sense of eternal victimhood, and ethnocentric grudge against the rest of America.