How cool!

I was looking for a larger cover image, and these guys display photos of a Wrightson book-signing appearance I was at, back in 1995!

I actually ordered some Wrightson prints directly from his assistant, including "Tocatta and Fugue in D-Minor" that is still framed and on my wall. I gave her money at the signing, and received it in the mail a few weeks later.
And I have several books with the same authenticity certificate card shown. Wrightson is a remarkably modest guy for such an enormous talent. I gave him the collected SWAMP THING: DARK GENESIS trade (1991 edition) for him to sign (the only collected edition at the time), and told him how much I loved those stories and how many countless times I'd re-read them, and he seemed very appreciative of that.

I never even thought to ask him to sign other books.