I think an interesting topic would be comparing the successes of Star Trek vs. Star Wars. Laying out the definitive elements that make Star Trek appealing, as compared to the core elements that make Star Wars have a big following.

For virtually everyone, I think Star Trek is more appealing in its optimistic vision of the future. And also its attempt to portray realistically in a detailed way a technologically beleiveable vision of the future. Star Trek in all its forms also has much more allegory to modern social and political issues, and reference to history and culture. And of course, the camaraderie of the main characters.

Star Wars I see more as lighthearted space-fantasy combined with really cool special effects, but not striving for the same level of realism as Star Trek.

Myself, I've always loved Star Trek and (yes, blasphemy, I know!) had only minimal to indifferent interest in the Star Wars franchise. I enjoyed the initial three 1977-1983 films as a visual feast, but found the storyline shallow and (particularly Return of the Jedi) nauseatingly "cute" in many segments. For me Empire Strikes Back was the best of the three.
The three more recent prequels were also great visually, but while having some complexity, had a lot of dialogue that was difficult to sit through.

I think this as a suggested podcast topic might have wider audience appeal, because geek or not, everyone is familiar with these franchises. I'm more of a layman, particularly on Star Wars, and I'd be interested in what self-described expert geeks have to say on the subject.

Regarding the first podcast specifically, I have to admit, I was completely lost during a few parts of your podcast, particularly the segments on video games (which I have no familiarity with). You on several topics referred to something by name only once at the beginning of discussing a movie or game, and I didn't catch the name of what you moved the topic to. Or made comparisons to other works and the subject became murky whether you were referring to the initial movie or game, or the one you compared it to.

There was also a bit of crosstalk where some of it was inaudible, and it wasn't clear who among the three of you was saying what.
Just letting you know, so you can maybe define the subject with more clarity in future shows.

I also wondered why you did it as an audio show, rather than taping it with a video camera, where you could post it on Youtube or elsewhere.