Captain Sammitch

You could almost call him "Captain Sammitch 3.0", but apart from an intense training regimen and a few UFC appearances during the RDCW's hiatus, not much has changed for the premier face in the RDCW. Much of the stuff that remains the same is copied verbatim from Sammitch's previous bio.

■Persona: All-around face, bordering on heroic face, but not afraid to make a little mischief now and then. Sammitch is fiercely loyal and loves playing to the crowd. While he exemplifies clean wrestling and frowns on cheap shots, Sammitch is far from naïve and will fight fire with fire once the book goes out the window, which was very useful in winning and holding the hardcore title. Captain Sammitch can easily be considered a veteran of the RDCW by now, and that wealth of experience combined with experience from fights in the UFC and elsewhere keeps him cool as ice in the face of adversity. Though he's still more of a cruiserweight than a heavyweight, long hours of training have closed the gap a little more, and even if he's not the biggest wrestler in the ring, Sammitch is still one of the most dangerous by far.

■Entrance Music: The guitar hook to Peace of Mind by Boston.

■Clothing and Equipment: Standard ring attire for Captain Sammitch consists of either white warmup pants and New Balances with blue trim and a Peyton Manning jersey or black warmup pants and New Balances with white trim and his "Badass Pirate T-Shirt". Out of the ring, Sammitch is comfortably stylish, usually wearing a combination of dress casual and upscale athletic attire. For hardcore matches, Captain Sammitch wields a bo staff to great advantage.

■Wrestling Style: Again, though Captain Sammitch isn't a true heavyweight, he can easily wrestle them. He still relies on technically solid mat skills at close range and mixed martial-arts skills at arm's length, with a handful of spectacular high-flying moves in between. Sammitch's moveset is very deep - only his signature moves below can be concisely listed - and his moveset and style of fighting have been carefully arranged from films of his many bouts and of bouts featuring his rivals and most frequent opponents. The goal is to be able to predict and have an answer for as many of his opponent's moves as possible.

■Signature Moves: The Sammitch Suplex (cross-body German suplex, often daisy-chained), the Sammitch Strike (lotus blossom open-palm strike to an opponent's solar plexus), the Sammitch Spin (rapid spinning kick), the Sammitch Submission (Walls of Jericho), and the Sammitch Slam (powerbomb finisher, best from the top rope). These are only the best-known and flashiest moves in Sammitch's moveset.

■Affiliation: The faction formerly known as the Sudden Death Connection has lost several of its members, but the core of Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey is still intact and promises to remain one of the most powerful factions in the RDCW even as they continue to search for a new collective identity. Sammitch has assumed the role of the group's de facto leader after Penwing's departure, although for a long time even before then he had been a mentor and trainer for his teammates, and he is hoping to make his handful of fighters into a premier faction while also attempting to 'clean up' much of the "dirty wrestling" and cheap shots that he feels are harming the RDCW.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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