You still have not proved he wasnt a legend because of his output rather than his talent. Had another artist produced as much work as him over a period of time, who is to say Kirby would have been viewed the same if he had then produced the same amount of work as them.
For me, as much as the GA artwork sucked generally, an artist like Dick Sprang was head and shoulders above Kirby.

I certainly do not see a "Marvel Standard" thats been the same for 50 years. Most costumes he designed have changed. Nobodies artworrk looks the same as his, and even the writing is vastly different.

Simple fact is you call this comic book blasphemies, and shit all over the contributions of a guy like Gibbons and defend your comments with nonsense like "nobody would hang his art on the wall", then when someone has their own "blasphemie", you defend that with vague comments like "Marvel standards" which are laughable.
Pretty much the only character design that is the same today in the Marvel Universe is Spidey, and thats Ditkos work, which resembled Kirbys work as much as King Snarf resembles Uschi.

By the way, the Fourth world stuff at DC is probably my most despised collection of characters ever. Right up there with The Eternals at Marvel. Shitty designs, and even shittier names. (Granny Goodness, Glorious Godfrey .. gimme a fucking break).